The Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology Department is part of the Eastern Pathology Alliance (EPA), a managed Pathology network involving laboratories at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH), the James Paget University Hospital (JPUH), and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH). The service provides a wide range of routine and specialist diagnostic and therapy monitoring services. All Clinical Biochemistry work from GPs and non-urgent and specialist work from JPUH and QEH is processed at NNUH. The Department is divided into the following sections:
These pages cover the Automation Biochemistry sections at NNUH, JPUH, and QEH. Please see separate department pages for Analytical and Specialist Chemistry and Immunology.
The laboratories at NNUH and QEH are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO 15189:2012. The defined schedule of tests for which the laboratory is accredited can be found by clicking on the following links; for NNUH schedule no. 10294* or for QEH schedule no. 20494*.
In order to maintain high standards of analysis this Department participates in national external quality assessment (EQA) schemes and maintains its own internal system of quality control checks (IQC), routine validation and calibrations on all assays. Full details of EQA scheme participation are available on request.
This website provides information about how users can access our services, who to contact for advice, which tests we perform, sample requirements, reference intervals, and turnaround times. The information within this manual is accurate at time of issue and is reviewed and updated regularly.
For patients using these pages, please note that any information provided should not be used for self-diagnosis and should you have any concerns about your health please consult your GP.
If you find any errors within this information or would like to make any comments and/or suggestions for improvement, please contact Diane Murley, EPA Quality Manager on 01603 286900 or email [email protected]
*Downloaded on 09/01/2024
There are occasions when additional tests are required to be added to existing samples for patient management.
Consultation about investigation and management of conditions is welcomed. For advice on diagnosis and the interpretation of Clinical Biochemistry results or advice on treatment during normal working hours (Mon–Fri 09:00–17:30) contact the Duty Biochemist on 01603 646685 or email [email protected].
Outside normal hours of service they can be contacted through the hospital switchboard. Tel: 01603 286286. Due to information governance compliance requirements, results or clinical advice cannot be communicated directly to patients.
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week. However, routinely staffed and most responsive during our core working hours.
Core Hours:
The JPUH laboratory can be found at the rear of the building on the ground floor sign-posted “Pathology – Blood Tests”
Open 24 hours a day 365 days of the year
The NNUH laboratory can be found in East Block Level One sign-posted “Pathology”
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week. However, routinely staffed and most responsive during our core working hours.
Core Hours:
The QEH laboratory can be found at the rear of the building on the ground floor, in area 4, the green section sign-posted “Pathology & Blood Tests”
EWC-D-001 Last updated 09/01/2024 (2)