

About EPA Andrology 

The two Andrology Departments based at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn (QEHKL) are both part of the Eastern Pathology Alliance (EPA) which is a managed Pathology network. The Laboratory’s services include Basic Semen Analysis, Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis and Vasectomy Reversal Semen Analysis. In order to maintain high standards of analysis this department participates in national external quality assessment schemes (EQA) for basic semen analysis and performs internal quality assessments for post vasectomy semen analysis. The Department is working towards compliance with ISO 15189, Medical laboratories – Requirements for quality and competence.

These department pages provide information about how users can access our services, who to contact for advice, which tests we perform, sample requirements, normal ranges and turnaround times.   This information is accurate at the time of issue and is reviewed and updated regularly to incorporate new developments.

For patients using this website, please note that any information provided should not be used for self-diagnosis and should you have any concerns about your health please consult your GP. If you find any errors within this document or would like to make any comments and/or suggestions for improvement, please contact Diane Murley, EPA Quality Manager on 01603 286900 or email [email protected]

Test Samples

Requesting Andrology Tests

Please click here for information about requesting tests.

Patient consent

NOTE – All procedures carried out on a patient’s sample need the informed consent of the patient. For most routine laboratory procedures, consent can be inferred when the patient presents themselves at a laboratory, or other suitable area, within a primary or secondary care setting, with a request form and willingly submits to the usual sample collecting procedure. The laboratory infers informed consent has been obtained when samples are received. It is the responsibility of the clinician requesting the test to ensure that informed consent has been correctly obtained.

This consent includes notification to third parties where required by law for example under the Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010: we are required to notify any infection of public health significance to local public health department as mandated by the regulation. Please ensure your patient is aware of this before submission of samples for testing.

Andrology patients are asked to consent to their sample being used for training and quality assurance purposes.  This request for consent forms part of their pre-analysis questionnaire that is required to be completed and signed at the time of sample receipt.

Basic Semen Analysis & Vasectomy Reversal Tests

  • Semen specimen produced by masturbation only, collected into a sterile, non-toxic, pre-weighed, wide-mouthed clear plastic container provided by the laboratory with a hand written label. Note: Any lost fraction of sample can be recorded on the patient’s pre-analysis questionnaire (questionnaire provided by the laboratory).
  • Non-toxic condoms may only be used for sample collection in exceptional circumstances, such as when it is evident that the patient has an inability to produce a sample by masturbation and only after the GP has discussed these circumstances with the laboratory prior to the patient booking an appointment.
  • The patient needs to have abstained from intercourse/ejaculation for 48 hours prior to sample collection, but needs to have had intercourse or ejaculated at least once, 5 days prior to the 48-hour abstinence period, for an abstinence period to meet the 7-2 days’ requirement.
  • Patients will be recommended to produce their samples on-site in the available onsite production room facility available at both NNUH and QEHKL in order to ensure their sample is tested within 60 minutes. Samples produced at home must be delivered well within 60 minutes of production, ideally at 30 minutes’ post sample production so the start time of analysis can commence within 60 minutes in accordance with the WHO Guidelines.
  • There is no minimum sample volume required – samples of low volume may be of clinical significance. 
  • Containers are supplied to the patient by the laboratory and need to be labelled with the patient’s full name, date of birth and HRN/NHS number by hand and not using any additional pre-labelled stickers found on the ICE form (ICE form stickers are for internal laboratory use only) as this affects the final sample volume – The sample container labelling will be carried out by the laboratory if the patient is producing their sample on site.
  • A pre-analysis questionnaire needs to be completed and signed by the patient.


Rejection of samples that do not meet the above requirements: Basic Semen Analysis & Vasectomy Reversal Tests

  • The entire sample has leaked in transit (Basic Semen Analysis). Partial loss of sample is acceptable for Basic Semen Analysis with a record of the lost fraction on the patient-pre analysis questionnaire.
  • Samples that are dropped off at the laboratory reception when the patient has not attended his sample delivery appointment and there is no patient pre-analysis form filled out.
  • Unlabelled/incorrectly labelled samples (for example those that are dropped off at the laboratory reception when the patient has not attended his sample delivery appointment). 
  • Samples that arrive at the laboratory when the patient does not have an appointment and the workload in the laboratory does not allow time for the sample to be tested.
  • Samples that arrive at the laboratory through the EPA community GP blood sample transport system.
  • The patient does not have a valid request from a clinician for the test.
  • If a sample has been brought to the sample delivery appointment by a representative and the pre-analysis questionnaire has not been signed by the patient.
  • Samples that are not produced on the same day as their scheduled appointment.

Post Vasectomy Tests

  • Must be at least 12 weeks’ post-procedure and after a minimum of 20 ejaculations. NOTE: If the analysis has taken place sooner than 12 weeks post procedure the test will need to be repeated.
  • A complete ejaculate of semen produced my masturbation only, collected into a pre-weighed non-toxic container provided by the laboratory.

NOTE: Incomplete samples & samples that have leaked in transit cannot be tested and will be rejected. 

NOTE: Samples produced in any other container than that provided by the laboratory will be rejected.  

  • The patient needs to have abstained from intercourse/ejaculation for 48 hours prior to sample collection, but needs to have had intercourse or ejaculated at least once, 5 days prior to the 48-hour abstinence period, for an abstinence period to meet the 7-2 days’ requirement

NOTE: If the patient has not adhered to the abstinence period they will be required to repeat the test.

  • Patients will be recommended to produce their samples on-site in the available onsite production room facility available at both NNUH and QEHKL in order to ensure their sample is tested within 60 minutes. At home sample production is not recommended for post vasectomy semen analysis tests.

NOTE: If immotile cells are present in the sample and the analysis has not taken place within 60 minutes the test will need to be repeated.

  • Containers are supplied to patient by the laboratory and need to be labelled with the patient’s full name, date of birth and HRN/NHS number by hand and not using any additional pre-labelled stickers found on the ICE form (ICE form stickers are for internal laboratory use only) as this affects the final sample volume – The sample container labelling will be carried out by the laboratory if the patient is producing their sample on site.
  • A pre-analysis questionnaire need to be completed and signed by the patient.

Rejection of samples that do not meet the above requirements: Post Vasectomy Tests

  • Incomplete samples & samples that have leaked in transit/sample incubator in onsite patient production room.
  • Samples received in a container other than that provided by the laboratory.
  • Samples produced in a non-toxic condom.
  • Samples older than 4 hours old at the time of sample delivery.

Note: If any Immotile cells are seen in the sample and the sample is tested >60 mins post collection the patient will need to repeat that test as those results will be invalid.

  • Sample tested sooner than 12 weeks post vasectomy procedure.
  • Samples where the patient has not adhered to the recommended abstinence period.
  • Samples that are dropped off at the laboratory reception when the patient has not attended his sample delivery appointment and there is no patient pre-analysis form filled out.
  • Unlabelled/incorrectly labelled samples (for example those that are dropped off at the laboratory reception when the patient has not attended his sample delivery appointment). 
  • Samples that arrive at the laboratory when the patient does not have an appointment and the workload in the laboratory does not allow time for the sample to be tested.
  • Samples that arrive at the laboratory through the EPA GP blood sample transport system.
  • The patient does not have a valid request from a clinician for the test.
  • If a sample has been brought to the sample delivery appointment by a representative and the pre-analysis questionnaire has not been signed by the patient.

Information for Patients

Important Appointment Booking Information

  • Basic Semen Analysis appointments: are usually booked a minimum of 10 days in advance to allow sufficient time for patients to read the information leaflets and adhere to the sample collection instructions, and if the sample is being produced at home, this provides enough time for posting the sample pack directly to the patient’s home address.
  • Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis appointments should be no sooner than 12 weeks’ post-procedure and after a minimum of 20 ejaculations (Note: the laboratory takes no responsibility for the monitoring or recording of this recommendation that analysis takes place after ‘a minimum of 20 ejaculations’ as stated by the 2016 Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis Guidelines). It is also the responsibility of the patient to ensure their appointment takes place after 12 weeks post vasectomy procedure. If their analysis has taken place sooner, they will be asked to repeat the test.

NOTE: Please advise patients to book their 12-week appointment in advance immediately after their procedure due to the long appointment waiting list.

Online Appointment Booking

Appointments are only available to book after a valid request has been electronically generated in Web ICE or manually completed by a clinician. Appointments are to be made by the patient via the online DrDoctor appointment booking service. Please use the link below:

Andrology streaming form – Formstack

Or Scan the QR Code:

The website link is provided on the request form (if requested electronically on Web ICE) or the patient information leaflet (if requested manually). It can also be found on the NNUH and QEHKL Trust websites under ‘Andrology’. Patients can search ‘NNUH Andrology’ or ‘QEHKL Andrology’ in Google to find the link to these pages.

Patients will receive a SMS text message or email confirmation of their appointment and a link to the patient information leaflets once they have booked.  

 *Please ensure the Patient reads the information leaflet carefully 7 days prior to the appointment* There are specific sample requirements the patient needs to be aware of prior to their appointment. Patients will also need to bring the request form the GP/Clinician has provided to the appointment.

 If the patient is unable to use the online system, they can ask someone to book an appointment on their behalf; or please inform them to telephone the laboratory on 01603 646524. The patient will need to confirm their full name, DOB, HRN/NHS number and address when booking their appointment via the telephone and the location of the laboratory that they require their sample to be tested at; appointments are made centrally by the pathology office at the NNUH for both EPA laboratory locations.

NOTE: If a patient arrives more than 15 minutes late to their appointment the laboratory may not be able to continue to accommodate the appointment, and they may be turned away and asked to re-book an alternative appointment via the online appointment booking service.

Onsite Sample Production Room Facility

We recommend patients produce their sample on site in our sample production room facility that is located close to the laboratory in order to ensure the sample is tested within 60 minutes of production, as this increases the reliability of the results that the laboratory issues to the clinician.

When the patient arrives at the Pathology reception, they will be greeted by an Andrology staff member who will escort them to the private on site production room and explain everything the patient needs to be aware of. The laboratory will provide the patient with a labelled container and a pre-analysis questionnaire to complete.  

Samples Produced at Home – For Patients that Live 30 minutes from NNUH or QEHKL

NOTE: Due to the strict requirements for Post Vasectomy samples – this option is not recommended for Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis Tests.

If a patient lives within a 30-minute radius of the NNUH or the QEHKL there is an option for their sample for Basic Semen Analysis to be produced at home and delivered to the laboratory, however the sample delivery needs to take place ideally at 30-45 minutes’ post sample collection to ensure the sample is tested within the recommend time frame of <60 minutes.  

The laboratory will send a sample pack directly to the patient’s home address after the appointment has been made if this option is selected. This pack will contain the following:

 Pre-weighed non-toxic sample container

  • Pre-analysis questionnaire
  • Information leaflet containing clear instructions
  • ‘What We Test Your Sample for’ leaflet

Delivering the sample to the lab:

  1. Please ensure the sample is kept as close to body temperature (37°C) as possible by keeping the sample close to the body in a trouser/coat pocket during transport to the laboratory.
  2. Please ensure the pre-analysis questionnaire has been correctly completed and signed by the patient.
  3. Please ensure the request form is brought to the sample delivery appointment.
  4. Samples may be delivered by a partner or representative only if the patient has labelled the sample container with three points of identification and correctly completed and signed the pre-analysis questionnaire. A patient’s partner/representative must bring the patient’s request form to the sample delivery appointment, and must adhere to the sample delivery requirements stated above and in the patient information leaflet.

Note: Samples delivered by a representative where the patient has not signed the patient’s pre-analysis questionnaire will be rejected. 


Report Availability

Results are reported within 7 days of receiving the sample and are sent directly to the requesting clinician via Web ICE.

PLEASE NOTE: The laboratory cannot disclose results directly to patients.

Patients are advised to read the following leaflets below to assist with understanding their results. We also advise patients to book a telephone appointment with a GP/Clinician around 10 days after their appointment as this gives the patient an opportunity to ask questions to the correct person.  


Opening Times 

The Andrology service is run on an appointment basis only and patients need to have been issued with a request form prior to obtaining an appointment. Any samples received outside these hours and without prior appointments may be rejected for testing.


The NNUH offer 7 appointments on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 08:30 and 14.00 noon. 

The Andrology Department at the NNUH is located on Level 1 in the East Block and is signposted: PATHOLOGY. Look for the Pathology reception window.

Monday08.30 - 14:00
Tuesday08.30 - 14:00
Wednesday08.30 - 14:00
Thursday08:30 - 14:00


The QEH offer 6 appointments on a Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday between 08:30 and 14:00.

The Andrology Department at the QEHKL is located on the ground floor in area 4 at the rear of the building signposted: PATHOLOGY/BLOOD TESTS.

Note: Patients will need to use the telephone located on the wall on the right-hand side, in the Pathology waiting area to contact a member of the Andrology team to inform them of their arrival. You do not need to take a ticket.

Tuesday08:30 - 14:00
Wednesday08:30 - 14:00
Thursday08:30 - 14:00

EWA-D-001 Last updated 03/11/2023(5)